Introduction to ProgestNOW Accounting
This ProgestNOW module gives your business constant control over client and supplier account statements, incoming and outgoing payment schedules, financial statements, cash/bank ledgers etc., and comprehensive management of tax obligations.
Find out the details View ERP suite detailsIt records, calculates, processes and categorises all of the information, and generates a wide range of financial statements, reclassifications and ledgers, which are key to optimising your internal accounting analysis process. There is also a significant focus on:
- managing open items
- account statements
- internet banking
- income
- reclassification of financial statements
- analytical accounting
- legislative requirements
- parameterisable and chartable models to enable advanced automation during document recording
- entering items in specific currencies
- multi-firm accounting
Every firm has its peculiarities, which make it unique and interesting: we are ready to discover them and to provide the right and efficient solution for you, by adapting ProgestNOW to your firm.
Call us +39 0185 321311
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You won’t believe how valuable our assistance is: our clients recognize the priceless value of a partner that is always available and ready to support your firm’s exigencies