Progest NOW


Fully integrated with the Management Suite

Introduction to ProgestNOW Accounting

This ProgestNOW module gives your business constant control over client and supplier account statements, incoming and outgoing payment schedules, financial statements, cash/bank ledgers etc., and comprehensive management of tax obligations.

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Progest NOW

It records, calculates, processes and categorises all of the information, and generates a wide range of financial statements, reclassifications and ledgers, which are key to optimising your internal accounting analysis process. There is also a significant focus on:

  • managing open items
  • account statements
  • internet banking
  • income
  • reclassification of financial statements
  • analytical accounting
  • legislative requirements
  • parameterisable and chartable models to enable advanced automation during document recording
  • entering items in specific currencies
  • multi-firm accounting
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Progest NOW


Every firm has its peculiarities, which make it unique and interesting: we are ready to discover them and to provide the right and efficient solution for you, by adapting ProgestNOW to your firm.

Call us +39 0185 321311

Ai sensi dell’art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 e degli artt. 13 e 14 del Regolamento (UE) n. 2016/679 la informiamo che i dati rilasciati nella compilazione del presente modulo verranno trattati esclusivamente per rispondere alla sua richiesta. Per maggiori dettagli è disponibile l’informativa estesa
Per procedere è necessario spuntare questa casella

Il Sole 24 Ore sceglie PROGESTNOW come ERP più innovativo - 2020

Il Sole 24 Ora dedica un articolo all'innovazione di PROGESTNOW - 2019

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You won’t believe how valuable our assistance is: our clients recognize the priceless value of a partner that is always available and ready to support your firm’s exigencies

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Progest NOW

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Progest NOW

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