The specialized Progetto Automazione team helps and supports your firm’s users in using the managing software ProgestNOW. Our clients can count on an ally, that supports the firm everyday during ordinary and extraordinary managing operation. The service includes a constant updating of the ERP managing suite: update in agreement with the current legal regulation; update on the new functions that the Automation Project develops for the managing suite daily.

Every firm has its peculiarities, which make it unique and interesting: we are ready to discover them and to provide the right and efficient solution for you, by adapting ProgestNOW to your firm.
Call us +39 0185 321311

Il Sole 24 Ore sceglie PROGESTNOW come ERP più innovativo - 2020

Il Sole 24 Ora dedica un articolo all'innovazione di PROGESTNOW - 2019
Support always on
You won’t believe how valuable our assistance is: our clients recognize the priceless value of a partner that is always available and ready to support your firm’s exigencies